She’s an Actor…
Who’s that girl?
From the age of five, when the acting bug hit, she’s never been far from it. Even after a successful stint in the military, the pursuit of creating memorable characters for people to enjoy was always there. Shortly after getting out, she studied at Academy of Art University and made quite a few short films getting a feel for being in front of the camera. However, the stage has always held a special place in her heart. From high school up until this past November, she’s had the pleasure of being a part of shows that allow her to truly showcase her range of talent to include The Spiral Staircase”by Mel Dinelli where she played ‘Helen’, Five Women Wearing the Same Dress by Alan Ball where she played ‘Georgeanne’, and most recently, Emilia by Morgan Lloyd-Malcolm at The Western Stage where she played ‘Emilia 2’.
She’s a Novelist…
Like acting, writing has been a way for Amber to create characters that she not only found interesting, but allowed her to see herself in the world. Her first novel was written in eighth grade. And though unpublished, it showed her something important:
It can be done.
Not one to publicly where her heart on her sleeve, Amber is a sucker for a good romance novel, novella, short story, or even flash fiction. Her own series, The Mr. Right Series is currently being worked on for a 2025/2026 release.
Currently, she’s featured in a beautiful anthology titled Someplace Generous that was edited and published through Generous Press.
She’s a person.
She’s a Screenwriter…
Though writing has always been a heavy influence in her life, it wasn’t unitl college that Amber found her passion for screenwriting. It was one thing to take someone else’s words and bring them to life, but to be able to bring your own words alive was something else entirely as shown through short films like “Homecoming” and “After Forever.”
Feature lengths are on the horizon, but until then, feel free to check out both films that are now available on Youtube.
Amber was born in St. Louis, MO and grew up between there and Minneapolis, MN. She’s always had a fighting, rebellious spirit, even as a kid. Without a map, she has followed her heart and turned to the arts to help fuel her through a non-linear childhood. Through engenuity and grit, she did five years of servce in the United States Marine Corps which allowed her a full access pass to follow her dreams. Through many different lives and adventures, she now finds herself living in Southern California enjoying the mountains, roller skating daily in the courtyard of her building whilst listening to the emo music of her teenage years with fondness, allowing her brain to mold future creative endeavors. She also is a big believer in naps.